Surgical surgery to remove deformed veins of the lower extremities is called phlebectomy. It is known that the vascular system of blood vessels consists of three parts: superficial, deep and communicative, which, by the way, connects the two previous ones.
The maximum amount of total blood flow occurs through the deep veins, subcutaneously conducting only 10%.
However, despite this, they are the ones that are affected by varicose veins and protrude above the surface of the skin.

Phlebectomy is the removal of the affected veins. It was first held in the early 20th century.
Today, various techniques enable the equally effective removal of entire major blood vessels or only small saphenous veins with nodules on them.
Consider in which cases surgery is prescribed for varicose veins on the legs, what types exist, as well as the consequences and contraindications for its implementation.
Indications for leg surgery
There are cases when drug treatment does not give any results in the fight against varicose veins, in this case surgery is the only way out of this situation. Fear of surgery leads to patients trying to delay going to the doctor as much as possible and thus only worsen the situation.
Surgical treatment of varicose veins is mandatory in the following points:
- severely neglected condition of varicose veins;
- significant increase in subcutaneous vessels;
- violation of blood flow through blood vessels, leading to systematic fatigue and pain in the limbs;
- trophic skin lesions with wounds that are difficult to heal;
- exacerbation of thrombophlebitis.
Types of operations and preparation for them
It is impossible to determine the best type of surgical intervention, because each is suitable for each individual case. Before choosing, the doctor must take into account the manifestation of the disease, the well-being of the patient and the presence of complications. Good performance requires some preparation. It is important to pass all the necessary tests.
It is important to perform the following activities:
- take a contrast shower;
- if necessary, shave the leg on which the operation will be performed;
- come to the hospital before the agreed time.
Today, medicine offers several types of surgical interventions for varicose veins of the lower extremities, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
Consider how to operate on varicose veins:
- Miniphlebectomy. An operation that has special characteristics. Vessels are removed through a puncture. Recovery is faster, but otherwise everything is similar to ordinary surgery.
- Removing veins. A type of surgery during which the great saphenous vein is removed together with all its tributaries. The incision is usually made in the inguinal fold. Partial allows you to remove part of the container, and full allows you to stretch the entire container by freezing it to the probe. All venous vessels except the removed one are tied. The lower extremity is pulled back with an elastic bandage.
- Vein sclerosis. Minimally invasive method of treatment. Sclerosant is injected into deformed vessels. Its action is the gluing of the lumen. Later, a scar appears at this place and the vein disappears completely. The following types of this operation are known today:
- echosclerotherapy. Deep blood vessels 1 cm in diameter are treated. The medicine is given under the control of a scanner. Sclerosant is injected with a needle;
- "foam-shaped" method. The medicinal substance is a special foam. The procedure is safe and does not cause any inconvenience.
- Laser vein coagulation. New technology enables the removal of diseases without incisions and the removal of blood vessels. The surgery is performed using light that passes through the puncture into a vein and heats the affected areas by heating the tissue. In most cases, relapses do not occur.
- Endoscopic vein dissection. The operation is performed with an endoscope under video control. It is inserted into the cut and the vessel is tied. Complications do not occur, so it almost always ends successfully. It is important that the surgeon who performs this procedure has extensive practical experience. Today it is a very popular type of surgery.
- radiofrequency ablation. A less traumatic way to remove varicose veins, which resulted from cardiac surgery. It is used in combination with other methods. During the operation, a catheter is inserted into the cavity of the vein, which moves along the vein that will be removed. Then the appliance is switched on and the container is sealed with the help of electricity. Radiofrequency ablation is very similar to sclerotherapy, but unlike it does not require the introduction of special substances.
Contraindications and possible consequences
Despite all the positive aspects, not all patients can remove veins in varicose veins with the help of surgery.
Today, restrictions occur in the following cases:
- the last stage of the disease;
- the presence of hypertension or coronary heart disease;
- infectious processes that take place in severe form;
- viral skin lesions;
- age and pregnancy.
Like any other surgical procedure, leg surgery can have consequences that appear immediately or after some time.
This includes the following situations:
- decreased sensitivity of cutaneous nerves;
- numbness of the ankle or inner surface of the lower leg;
- bleeding or pus;
- appearance of new deformed blood vessels;
- bruising and discoloration of the skin;
- mild soreness of the affected area.
To avoid all this, it is important to adhere to the postoperative regime.
Features of care after surgery
To preserve the results, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and undergo special treatment, which is selected taking into account the condition of the body, the prevalence of varicose veins and the type of surgical intervention.
It includes the following:
- On the first day, it is important to stick to bed. However, you still have to move. It is enough to do special exercises: bend and bend the legs, as well as turn to the side;
- It is recommended to put on an elastic bandage and maintain the tone of the heart and blood vessels, lift the legs and keep them in that position for some time;
- Cleaning the seams for the first time in 6 months. it is performed only with hot water. Foam places by hand, without the use of hard cloths. It is important to remember that scars form over a long period of time and cannot be burdened;
- At home, it is recommended to wear compression underwear 24 hours a day for 1 month. Then they take it off at night and work for another 2 months;
- It is important to adhere to a diet and eat foods that help dilute the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
As can be seen from all the above, surgical treatment of varicose veins is very popular today. However, it is important not to start the disease and try to see a doctor after the first symptoms appear. Remember that varicose veins in the legs, as well as other physical problems, are better prevented than treated.